ERROR: Module backupdriver is in use

While updating several of our remaining systems from r1soft CDP 2 to CDP 3 we’ve been getting the following error,

ERROR: Module backupdriver is in use

r1soft-uninstall-buagent -R
This uninstaller will remove the following..

File /etc/init.d/buagent
File /usr/bin/buagent
File /var/lock/buagent.lock
File /var/run/
File /usr/bin/r1key
File /usr/bin/r1soft-cki
File /usr/bin/
File /usr/bin/r1soft-uninstall-buagent
File /usr/share/man/man3/buagent.3.gz
File /usr/share/man/man3/r1key.3.gz
File /usr/share/man/man3/r1soft-uninstall-buagent.3.gz
Directory /etc/buagent
Directory /usr/lib/buagent
Directory /lib/modules/buagent
Directory /var/cache/buagent
Directory /var/db/buagent
User buagent
Group buagent

Would you like to continue? (yes/no):yes
stopping buagent.
removing buagent from services.
removing File /etc/init.d/buagent
removing File /usr/bin/buagent
removing File /var/lock/buagent.lock
removing File /var/run/
removing File /usr/bin/r1key
removing File /usr/bin/r1soft-cki
removing File /usr/bin/
removing File /usr/bin/r1soft-uninstall-buagent
removing File /usr/share/man/man3/buagent.3.gz
removing File /usr/share/man/man3/r1key.3.gz
removing File /usr/share/man/man3/r1soft-uninstall-buagent.3.gz
removing Directory /etc/buagent
removing Directory /usr/lib/buagent
removing Directory /lib/modules/buagent
removing Directory /var/cache/buagent
removing Directory /var/db/buagent
removing buagent user…
unloading backupdriver kernel module…
ERROR: Module backupdriver is in use

Trying to simply rmmod the driver fails because it’s in use but without having forced support there is no way to unload it using this method.

# rmmod backupdriver
ERROR: Module backupdriver is in use

The solution is to reinstall the latest CDP 2 agent and run buagent -u to unload it first then proceed to uninstalling the CDP2 agent and installing CDP3 agent.

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